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A Fresh Start: Exploring the Benefits of Dental Deep Cleaning

A Fresh Start: Exploring the Benefits of Dental Deep Cleaning - Cornerstone Periodontics & Implant Dentistry

Welcome to a fresh start towards better dental health! You may be diligent in brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, but did you know that there is another level of cleaning that can take your oral hygiene to the next level? Dental deep cleaning is an effective way to remove stubborn plaque buildup and prevent potential gum disease. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of deep cleaning and what you can expect during the procedure. So sit back, relax, and get ready for a sparkling smile!

What is Dental Deep Cleaning?

Dental deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planing, is a comprehensive dental procedure that goes beyond regular teeth cleaning. It involves removing plaque buildup and tartar from the surface of your teeth and gums, as well as targeting bacteria that have penetrated beneath the gum line.

The process typically begins with an initial evaluation to determine the extent of the problem. If you have moderate to severe gum disease or periodontitis, dental deep cleaning may be recommended by your dentist or periodontist.

During the procedure, a skilled hygienist will use specialized tools such as ultrasonic scalers and manual instruments to remove tartar from beneath your gumline. They may also smooth out rough spots on tooth roots in order to prevent further bacterial growth.

Unlike regular teeth cleanings which only focus on visible surfaces of teeth above the gum line, dental deep cleaning addresses both visible surfaces and those below it. This makes it more effective in preventing serious oral health problems down the road.

Getting a dental deep cleaning can help improve not only your oral hygiene but also your overall health by reducing inflammation throughout your body caused by gum disease bacteria.

The Benefits of Dental Deep Cleaning

Dental deep cleaning is a preventive measure that helps protect your teeth and gums from various dental issues. It involves the removal of plaque, tartar, and bacteria buildup on your teeth’s surfaces and below the gum line. Here are some benefits of getting regular dental deep cleanings.

Firstly, dental deep cleaning can prevent tooth decay and gum disease by removing harmful bacteria from hard-to-reach areas in your mouth. These areas cannot be reached through brushing or flossing alone.

Secondly, it improves oral health by reducing inflammation caused by gum disease. Inflammation can cause bleeding gums, which may lead to other severe conditions such as periodontitis if left untreated.

Thirdly, it prevents bad breath by removing odor-causing bacteria from your mouth. Regular deep cleanings also help keep your teeth white and bright.

Moreover, undergoing this procedure regularly saves you money over time since it helps prevent costly dental procedures that result from severe conditions such as cavities or gum disease.

Studies have shown that good oral hygiene reduces the risk of heart attacks and strokes since there is a connection between poor oral health and cardiovascular diseases. Therefore keeping up with regular dental check-ups should not be overlooked but embraced for overall well-being!

What to Expect During a Dental Deep Cleaning

If you’ve never had a dental deep cleaning before, it’s natural to be curious about what the process entails. Here is a brief rundown of what to expect during your appointment.

Firstly, your dentist or hygienist will examine your teeth and gums to assess the extent of cleaning needed. They may take X-rays to get a more detailed picture of any potential issues.

Next comes scaling, which involves removing plaque and tartar build-up from both above and below the gum line using special tools. This process may take longer than a routine cleaning as it requires extra attention in hard-to-reach areas.

After scaling, polishing will take place where they’ll use an abrasive paste that removes surface stains from your teeth giving them a cleaner look. Usually, fluoride treatment is provided for patients with an increased risk for cavities due to dry mouth conditions or other factors.

While some people might experience minor discomfort or sensitivity during the procedure, most find dental deep cleanings relatively pain-free. It’s important not to skip these appointments as they can help prevent serious oral health problems down the road!


To sum up, dental deep cleaning is an essential procedure for maintaining good oral health. Not only does it remove plaque and tartar buildup, but it also helps prevent serious gum diseases such as gingivitis or periodontitis. With the benefits of fresh breath, a brighter smile, and reduced risk of tooth loss or decay in mind, scheduling regular dental cleanings should be a top priority.

Remember that prevention is always better than cure when it comes to your teeth. By taking care of them now with regular dental check-ups and deep cleanings, you can avoid costly treatments down the line.

So if you haven’t had a deep cleaning in a while (or ever), don’t wait any longer! Contact your dentist today and schedule an appointment – your teeth will thank you for it!

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